Using Nix for Your Ruby on Rails Development Environment

May 14, 2023

A brief anecdote

Developers come and go with client-oriented work, and with that, there is generally a prescribed process for getting projects running on their machines honed with each departure and addition.

Recently, a new colleague was onboarded onto one of our projects. All of our devs were running Intel-based (x86) Macs for their client machines. Our new colleague was running an M1-based (arm) Mac. Because of this, setting up the project on their machine went from an assumed trivial task with docker to a week-long process. This is frustrating and is not a great use of time nor an enjoyable one when you want to have developers hit the ground running and start producing.

Whether you've been the onboarder, the onboardee, or just have too many machines lying around, you've probably experienced a similar situation.

I've been focusing on shoring up my DevOps toolkit lately and wanted to explore using Nix given the surrounding buzz. This situation seemed like a perfect use case to solve a problem with our developer experience and learn something new.

What is Nix?

There is a lot of techno-jargon around Nix since it's a new technology and a rapidly evolving ecosystem. I will try to speak to it in terms of how it's useful instead of how or why it works. The subsequent Rails project setup documented below provides a practical example of the tool. However, I am still learning it and its ecosystem so assume an asterisk around my claims - email me if I've gotten something wrong.

Nix is a language, a package manager, and a system configuration tool. We can use the nix language to author declarative files (*.nix) that specify a configuration for our systems and their environments. The package management functionality guarantees installed package versions will not collide, reducing side effects from package upgrades or deprecations. We can have one or more configurations present on an operating system - a colleague compared it to being like virtualenv and brew combined.

So, we can have one project set up with ruby, docker, postgres, and git with their exact versions and another with the same tools but different versions. Changes to the former project (e.g., upgrading ruby) will not affect or break the others.

Moreover, when it comes time to deploy this project in a new environment, we can leverage the same tooling to guarantee the exact same environment. This solves a huge problem: no more stating "it works on my machine" (and spending time debugging environment differences) to our colleagues and stakeholders and instead focusing on delivering functionality.

Further, with client work, project hand-offs are simplified for whoever ends up responsible for the work we've done: indicate in a README to install Nix and delegate handling project dependency installation and configuration to the tool.

Great - what does that look like for my Ruby on Rails project?

First, all code referenced in this blog post can be found in my hobby project ownyourday.

To begin, you'll need to get Nix installed and configured on your machine. See this blog post from a colleague for a good explanation of the steps and their reasoning.

If you're feeling lazy, the commands to run (from the aforementioned blog post) are:

# enable nix flakes
mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/nix"
echo "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" >> ~/.config/nix/nix.conf

# install nix
sh <(curl -L

# install direnv
nix profile install nixpkgs#direnv
echo 'eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"' >> "$HOME/.zshrc"

# then restart your shell and cd into your ruby-on-rails project directory
direnv allow

Now, let's create our first flake and configure direnv to automatically use it.

Create a file called .envrc in the project root and add this line:

# .envrc

use flake

This integrates direnv to install and use our Nix packages in a shell when we enter this directory via the flake we're about to write.

Next, create a file called flake.nix in the project root and configure it appropriately. In my Rails project, I am using postgres for the database, node for running the JavaScript toolchain, pnpm for the JavaScript toolchain package manager, and ruby3.1.0 for the ruby version. Further, I specify docker, git, and make given all are involved in the operation of the developer environment for the project. To find additional packages, visit this resource.

# flake.nix

  description = "Developer environment shell for ownyourday";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs = {
      owner = "NixOS";
      repo = "nixpkgs";
      # 22.11
      rev = "e6d5772f3515b8518d50122471381feae7cbae36";
      type = "github";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs }:
      # Helper to provide system-specific attributes
      forAllSupportedSystems = f: nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs supportedSystems (system: f {
        pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };

      supportedSystems = [

      devShells = forAllSupportedSystems ({ pkgs }: {
        default = pkgs.mkShell {
          packages = [

Observe that cding to the project directory now installs all the specified packages and generates a flake.lock file. To verify we're using the Nix binaries run which ruby and observe:

~/code/personal/ownyourday main $ which ruby

Great! If we push this up to version control, we could be certain our teammates would be using the same dependencies as us. Moreover, if we are working on multiple projects at a time, we can be certain changes in one project's dependencies won't affect the other (e.g., upgrading a globally installed gem like rails).

Some hiccups along the way


When running tests locally, I observed gem incompatibility errors (the exact errors are long-lost in my terminal history). The Rails project uses rspec as its test runner, so I assumed something was up between rbenv and nix.

Sure enough:

~/code/personal/ownyourday main $ which rspec

This was solved by explicitly adding rspec to the Rails project's Gemfile such that invoking rspec wouldn't delegate to globals:

# Gemfile


group :development, :test do
  gem 'rspec', '~> 3.12.0'



Similarly, the Rails project uses tailwindcss-rails which sets up a watch-and-rebuild cycle using foreman on file changes that affect styling. When trying to serve the application via /bin/dev (or make serve in my case), I encountered the following error:

~/code/personal/ownyourday main $ make serve
bundler: failed to load command: foreman (/Users/mav/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/bin/foreman)
/Users/mav/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/bundler-2.3.7/lib/bundler/rubygems_integration.rb:319:in `block in replace_bin_path': can't find executable foreman for gem foreman. foreman is not currently included in the bundle, perhaps you meant to add it to your Gemfile? (Gem::Exception)

Solving it required explicitly installing foreman in the Gemfile alongside modifying the out-of-the-box /bin/dev and commands to use locally installed packages:

# Gemfile


group :development do
  gem 'foreman'
# bin/dev

#!/usr/bin/env sh
bundler exec foreman start -f "$@"

web: bundler exec rails server -p 3000
css: bundler exec rails tailwindcss:watch

Going further, how can we leverage this in our CI environment?

Since a major advantage of using Nix is its build-reproducibility, we should use it for our continuous integration environment as well. In the Rails project, GitHub Actions is used. So, let's take a look at how the CI pipeline is set up with Nix:

# .github/workflows/ci.yml

name: CI

    branches: [main]

  IS_CI: true
  PGHOST: localhost
  POSTGRES_DB: rails_github_actions_test
  POSTGRES_USER: rails_github_actions
  RAILS_ENV: test

    name: Verify pull request
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

          POSTGRES_USER: ${{ env.POSTGRES_USER }}
          POSTGRES_DB: ${{ env.POSTGRES_DB }}
        image: postgres:11
        ports: ["5432:5432"]
        options: >-
          --health-cmd pg_isready
          --health-interval 10s
          --health-timeout 5s
          --health-retries 5
      - uses: actions/checkout@v1

      - name: Install Nix
        uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v19

      - name: Cache Nix
        id: cache-nix
        uses: actions/cache@v3
          cache-name: cache-nix-store
          # By default, this should be /nix/store, but we can't restore to /nix/store due to permissions in GH actions
          # So, set this to somewhere else (e.g. ~/nix) that the runner user can write
          # And specify this location in subsequent nix commands
          # See
          path: ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }}
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('flake.lock') }}
          restore-keys: |
            ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-

      - name: Cache Ruby gems
        id: cache-ruby
        uses: actions/cache@v3
          cache-name: cache-ruby-store
          path: ./vendor/bundle
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('Gemfile.lock') }}
          restore-keys: |
            ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-

      - name: Cache JavaScript packages
        id: cache-js
        uses: actions/cache@v3
          cache-name: cache-js-store
          path: ~/.local/share/pnpm/store
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('pnpm-lock.yaml') }}
          restore-keys: |
            ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-

      - name: Install Nix binaries
        run: nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop .

      # Required for pg gem dependencies - we don't want to use /usr/bin/pg_config but the nix binary instead
      # For the next step (Install Ruby dependencies)
      - name: Set pg_config path for installing pg gem
        id: pg-config-path
        run: echo "PG_CONFIG_PATH=$(nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command which pg_config)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

      - name: Install Ruby dependencies
        run: |
          nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command bundle config --with-pg-config=${{ }} && \
          nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command bundle config path vendor/bundle && \
          nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3

      - name: Install JavaScript dependencies
        run: |
          nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command pnpm install --frozen-lockfile --strict-peer-dependencies

      - name: Setup assets
        run: nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command bundler exec rails assets:clean assets:precompile

      - uses: gitleaks/gitleaks-action@v2
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

      - name: Check Ruby formatting
        run: nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command bundler exec rubocop --fail-level=warning

      - name: Check JavaScript formatting
        run: nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command pnpm run format:check

      - name: Check JavaScript lint
        run: nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command pnpm run lint

      - name: Run JavaScript tests
        run: nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command pnpm run test

      - name: Setup test database
        run: |
          cp config/ config/database.yml
          nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command rake db:create db:schema:load

      - name: Run Ruby tests
        run: nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command bundler exec rspec

In the happy path, the Ruby on Rails application is being built with its dependencies and a set of verifications are being run on the code. We are making sure the project can build, no secrets are present in the code, the code is well-formatted, the code is linted, and all tests are passing.

Installing the system dependencies is delegated to Nix. This is identical to the local environment set up previously because of the flake.nix configuration. So, as an example, we know that both the local environment and CI environment have the same version of ruby.

The pipeline also caches installed dependencies to speed up subsequent CI runs. A hash of the respective lockfiles for Nix, Ruby, and JavaScript are used as the cache key - if a lockfile is changed, a dependency has changed, so the cache should be broken. Otherwise, don't bother re-downloading and reinstalling the dependencies - back them up from the GitHub actions cache instead.

Some more hiccups along the way

Permissions and the /nix/store

Nix stores binaries in /nix/store by default. When cached binaries were present for the lockfile hash, the CI user would try to restore binaries to that path. Makes sense.

However, this was triggering permissions errors. The GitHub actions runner has its own user that does not have permission to restore to that path. There is a workaround which can be observed from the CI declaration. Storing the nix binary storage in a path the GitHub actions user can modify (e.g. ~/nix/store) circumvents this problem.

However, this meant I had to use flakes instead of nix-shell and that the Nix CI steps are littered with a --store argument.

The pg gem and its implied dependencies

The pg gem required by Rails to connect to postgres assumes dependencies on the local system:

# from a ci run

Run nix-shell --run 'bundler exec rails assets:clean assets:precompile'
rails aborted!
LoadError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - /home/runner/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/pg-1.4.6/lib/

While debugging what was going on, I noticed that which pg_config was pointing towards /usr/bin/pg_config. Given all the commands were running in a Nix-configured shell, /usr/bin/pg_config was empty, since postgres was installed via Nix. So, configuring bundle to use the correct Nix-managed pg_config resolved this.

This creates a local file that looks like this:


BUNDLE_BUILD__PG: "--with-pg-config=/nix/store/c4j1gfn0m9i3540ni3az2a9jjnlgyg81-postgresql-11.18/bin/pg_config"

Given this, observe the following pipeline steps:

# Required for pg gem dependencies - we don't want to use /usr/bin/pg_config but the nix binary instead
# For the next step (Install Ruby dependencies)
- name: Set pg_config path for installing pg gem
  id: pg-config-path
  run: echo "PG_CONFIG_PATH=$(nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command which pg_config)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

- name: Install Ruby dependencies
  run: |
    nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command bundle config --with-pg-config=${{ }} && \
    nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command bundle config path vendor/bundle && \
    nix --store ${{ env.NIX_STORE_PATH }} develop . --command bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3

Pointing pg at the correct pg_config resolved the issue.

In sum

Nix may seem daunting at the beginning - and it is. It's a new technology and accordingly part of a rapidly evolving ecosystem. To grok it effectively, I found it helpful to focus on its instrumentality instead of its theory - hence this blog post.

Going forward, I am optimistic about its adoption and its capabilities to improve the reliability of features we ship and the developer experience for new and existing projects.

I hope you've been able to learn something by following along with my journey to use it to improve the developer experience of a Ruby on Rails project. If you have any feedback, feel free to email me via the "contact him here" at the bottom of the page.

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Written by Mavrick Laakso. He is an experienced software and DevOps engineer with ten years of technical experience. Find him on LinkedIn, GitHub, or via email.

© 2024 Mavrick Laakso